What makes Elon Musk a master of time management?

It’s fascinating how one man can be the reason behind the success of a banking start-up, an innovative car company, space research, and dig tunnels in LA to give birth to hyperloop in order to solve the traffic problem.

Lets look into the busy life of one of the biggest innovators of this decade.

Time management is one of the most crucial skills in today’s fast moving world. It can help you to be productive professionally and achieve your personal goals at the same time.

Elon Musk, the billionaire entrepreneur is the best example to demonstrate good time management skills. Elon manages to work 100 hours per week and at the same time he manages to remove time for his hobbies, family, and fitness (Vyas, 2019). So how does Elon manage to do this? Lets find out.

The Time Blocking Method

Elon Musk is known for using time blocking methods to manage his time effectively. Many people call him ‘superhuman’ for his amazing time management skills.

So, how does he do it? It is simple!

He uses time blocking from the moment he wakes up in the morning where he assigns each time block to a certain task that he needs to accomplish on a given day. This time blocking method can be used for any tasks ranging from eating a healthy diet, writing emails, scheduling meetings, meditating or anything that you would like to do on a particular day.

Following are the steps that you can use in order to manage your time with the help of the time blocking method:

Step 1: Take a piece of paper and divide it into two blocks or columns. The left side can be used for a time where you can divide it into every hour, 5 minutes or even 2 minutes slots. Whatever you prefer!

Step 2:  Write an estimated time on the left that you would need to finish a particular task.

Step 3: Keep a buffer to squeeze-in an unexpected activity or in case you need some extra time on the given task at hand. 

Step 4: Voila, you are ready!

Yes, it is that simple. You can manage your time much better when you have a task allocated to each hour of your day. It also helps you keep your task list for the day more realistic, and you don’t end up putting up huge and unrealistic goals for yourself.

3 books that will give you a head start for 2020

I have looked at the most referenced books by some of the most influential and successful individuals to ever walk on the face of the earth. Here is a list of 5 books I personally feel will help you step into the new year with high vitality.

1. Zero to One, by Peter Thiel

“If you want to build a better future, you must believe in secrets” (Thiel & Masters, 2014,).

A little about the author of this book. Peter Thiel, is an American billionaire who built his fortune together with none other than Elon Musk himself, as the co-founder of Pay-Pal. Thiel and Elon went their own ways after selling Pay-Pal, with Elon becoming the more famous for his trades. However, Thiel has had his share of success after the split, even though he has rarely grabbed any limelight. 

This book, however, has been referenced by Elon Musk a couple of times in his public interviews. This is mainly due to the books overarching idea of an ambitious future. In the book, Thiel talks about how we are currently facing technological stagnation, even though we might think otherwise due to the frequent innovations from the companies of the silicon valley. Thiel personally believes that there are many other fields in technology that need a boost in innovation, and he suggests how the innovative and visionary minds of this generation and the ones to come can build and develop the world of technology for the betterment of the world. This is a great book for entrepreneurs, and it will also help you to gain a new perspective of things (“Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future: Peter Thiel, Blake Masters: 9780804139298: Books – Amazon.ca,” n.d.).

2. Outliers, by Malcolm Gladwell

“Practice isn’t the thing you do once you’re good. It’s the thing you do that makes you good” (Malcolm Gladwell, Outliers: The Story of Success)

Malcolm Gladwell is undoubtedly one of the brightest minds around. He has written a collection of bestsellers, and Outliers is no exception. 

In Outliers, Malcolm explains the multitude of factors that go into making a success story. He supports his thesis with credible research; which includes the story of The Beatles, and what made them so phenomenal; how Bill Gates succeed with Microsoft at the age of 21, and how he still manages to stay at the top; and the list goes on (“Outliers (book),” 2019).

This is the perfect book to learn the various factors that you need to take into consideration before knocking the doors of success. 

3. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, by Stephen Covey 

“Sow a thought, reap an action; sow an action, reap a habit; sow a habit, reap a character; sow a character, reap a destiny.” (Covey, 2001)

This book by Stephen Covey is undoubtedly on the list of an endless number of successful people. Stephen Covey, one of the 25 most Influential People, according to Time magazine has put together this book with great effort and brilliant research, with references back from the Egyptian era. 

In the book, Covey conveys the key principles that a person’s character needs to be built on, which will help in attaining universal and timeless effectiveness. He elaborates on factors that contribute towards attaining the desired result, and how it is important to care for and develop those factors (“7 Habits of Highly Effective People,” 2019).

This book will help you in any walk of life and give you the ability to maintain stability in your life physically, mentally, and spiritually. This will work wonders in your quest to attain success. 


I believe this the beginning to a productive friendship.”

– inspired by Casablanca (1942)

We are surrounded by visionaries and dreamers. In today’s world, we have an abundance of new ideas popping up every day. However, some of these ideas and the brilliant minds behind them fail to take off. This hindrance to success comes down the road against every single individual who set on their journey to fulfill their goals. Then what is this thing that differentiates the people who just come to a stand-still after this occasional roadblock and the people who make things happen?

The answer to the above question is broader then we might mistake it to be. There are a million, if not a billion factors that come into play when you set off to achieve greatness. There’s perseverance, positivity, belief in our abilities, character, personality, and the list goes on. Everyone has a different take on this list and how to approach and inculcate it in their daily lives. Some come out victorious, and some just fall short.

The intention behind this page is to uncover unique stories of brilliant minds, scattered in my city of, Kitchener/Waterloo. I genuinely hope that this project taken up by me hits a light on the hidden abilities and potential that all of the people who come along to my page hoping to get a boost towards their goals. I also wish that my content does full justice and covers the stories of my subjects perfectly, turning the spotlight towards the relentless work and effort that goes into every single job or task they take on.

Thank You.

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